Издательство Додо Пресс: издаем что хотим

Dodo Press.
We publish what we please

Dodo Press is a Moscow-based micro-publisher, established in 2009. We all work almost entirely as volunteers, most of our publications are financed by crowdfunding. We tend to publish non-mainstream weirdly brilliant books, mainly in translation from English. The Dodo Press team consists of three people, with about 300 books translated, about 500 edited, and about 50 years in publishing, between us. There are several friends who help us with layouts, illustrations, proofreading, and online presence. We are happy with our audience of some couple of thousand readers and fans, and so-o-o not aspire to conquer the market. That said, we just love what we do, and we love to keep it simple and non-solemn.

Here's what Dodo Press managed to accomplish.

In translation:

Originally in Russian: